Sunday, 29 March 2015

Pokemon Limited Edition Heritage Collection Unboxing!

Here I unbox the Heritage Collection which is completely out of print now so it's very hard to get your hands on this rare collection! Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Fresh off the Boat (TV Show)

Hey everyone, I managed to start watching Fresh off the Boat which is about a Taiwanese family who moves from DC to Florida from a relatively Asian community to a more westernised community. This shows is narrated by an eleven year old called Eddie who talks about his life when he was 11 in 1995.

The show portrays a lot of Asian stereotypical traits which you usually expect but I have to say that the show wasn't really what I expected just because the dad seems very Americanised and everyone has almost no Asian accent(but you can expect it because otherwise how could people understand).  I find this show pretty funny though, especially because they use sort of racial jokes that I can relate to.

But yea sorry, not much I can say about this at the moment because I am currently up to episdoe 2 at the moment, but I have to say that it is good that they have finally released a Asian family TV show because when have you seen one released in America??

For now I'd have to give this a 7/10 but I'm hoping that it'll get a lot better. Well until next time, bye!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Hero (2002 Film Review)

Hello Everybody, so today I finally had a chance to watch Hero which is a 2002 Chinese Wu Xia film directed by Zhang Yimou and stars the main protagonist Jet Li who plays a nameless character. Set around 200's BC, this film is basically a storytelling film on how the protagonist was able to kill three assassins Long Sky, Flying Snow, and Broken Sword. 

Although this film received very positive reviews, for me I am not totally convinced on the plot as it does get a bit confusing at times as the film moves from present to the past and back and forth, with lies being told, it is uncertain if what we see from the past is actually part of the actual story or not. After about half way through the film I was completely lost(part of the reason why this review is so short).

On another note praise must be given to the artistic side of the film as almost all of the fighting scenes are shot beautifully and it's rare for costumes to always match the set(does that make sense)?? The director was able to film many scenes of fighting sequences interacting with water(just when is that ever really done in other films??). Sounds a bit random but if you take a look at the film for yourself you'll understand what I mean. An example such as two people hitting water droplets against each other. Did I mention that there's some really beautiful scenes of China too(at least you think it's in China).

As for the action, there is a fair bit of it in this film, and like I said before, the director(or choreographer??) took an artistic approach to all the fighting scenes as they are not like your usual fight scenes(Props for the use of wire-work). 

Hm... can't say much else unfortunately. I'd have to give this film a 6.5/10. I mean it's not too bad but I find it really confusing because one moment you think someone is dead, and the next minute they are fine. Anyway until next time, bye!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

You Can Be An Angel Too(Singaporean Drama)

*Please note that this will be a quick review*
So I started watching this drama on Friday, and I have been waiting to watch this drama for some time now. It basically revolves around the lives of nurses at a hospital in Singapore. What's different about this drama I think is that it focuses a lot on paying it forward. Although nurses help their patents as a job by doing certain tasks in their jobs, this drama shows that they go beyond their job occupation to help out their patents and help to fulfill their last wishes and the community as well(though this probably is a rare case in the real world)

Anyway, as this is a quick review, I will not go into too much detail as you can search it up yourself if you really want but what I like is that this drama does have quite a few cliff hanger story-lines which are built up and revealed throughout each episode. If you are expecting a lot of action, this this is the wrong type of drama for you as this is more of a drama set in present time focusing on people and relationships, and also on how nurses pay it forward. But yea, sorry about the quick review, I don't have much to say about this drama. I'd have to give this drama a 7/10 as it is not too bad at all. Well until next time, bye!