Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Pokémon Dash (Game Review)

Hey everyone, just got back from playing Pokemon Dash. I'll just be quickly talking about the game. So basically, this game is a racing game in which you start off playing with Pikachu, and you race against a number of Pokemon. The aim of the game is to run over selected Pokemon spots which light up(sort of like flags), and you need to run in the order of the Pokeballs. You cannot just select any one, you must go towards the direction of the arrows which guide you.

Overall the game does take some getting used to. I had to use the restart button multiple times in the beginning. I think the game would be a lot more fun if you didn't have to use the stylus as this sort of affects game play, as you need to keep moving your stylus in the direction you want to move. If the game allowed for users to use the arrow keys instead for movement then it would have been a lot more better I think anyway. Also the use of the stylus could lead to scratch marks on the screen eventually, and wear the screen out(luckily I have a pre-owned DS on hand) Actually there's a stage in the game where you need to fly using balloons and find the pokeball you're supposed to land on. I got angry and quit the game because I could't figure it out yet haha, so that's a minus from this game.

Overall I know the game is fun and will kill quite a lot of time, unfortunately it is time I can't kill as I needs to study right now but I think the game does have quite a few ideas which the developers could develop into a better game for later on(3DS??). It's not your normal sort of racing game similar to Mario Kart etc so it is something different which I like. Overall I would give this game a 4/10. I probably wouldn't buy it if you are not a Pokemon fan. I myself bought it just for a collection, and it was pretty cheap. Hope this review was interesting and helps in your decisions. Well until next time, bye!

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