Friday, 17 October 2014

EasyCAP (Product Review)

Hi everyone, today's another product review. This will be another quick review because I haven't tested this product fully yet, but here goes.

So this product helps capture videos using RCA connectors or S-Video by using a USB connector. The product also includes an installation disc which includes a basic video editor to record the videos and edit them. And when I say basic, I mean it's similar to the basic windows movie maker with some different transitions and themes etc, but for $15, you don't expect too much.

But anyway, I mainly bought this product because I wanted to start filming some gaming videos. I searched this up online a few days ago before I saw this product on Off The Back so I just decided to buy it. I installed the product yesterday using the disc, and everything installed fine except for one final thing, though I'm not quite sure if it'll affect anything, at the moment everything is fine.

So I tried recording a simple DVD, but when I pressed play it didn't work. Not quite sure if this is a problem yet, or if it's just a copyright thing but I'll try out my Wii and Playstation later on when I have time. Though besides this It does work though so that's a plus. When looking at settings, I did realise that some of the aspect ratio options were a bit strange so I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to record without having some black bars anywhere but I'll let you guys know.

Overall it is a cheap option to record yourself playing games or making copies of your tapes or something, but if you're looking for something more higher quality then I suggest you do not buy this item. I'm pretty sure there's better options out there. But for the price, it does do the job. I will talk about it more when I have more experience with it. Well until next time, bye!

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