The Man with the Iron Fists is an American martial arts film directed by RZA and written by RZA and Eli Roth. The film is set in the more traditional period of China. Although you immediately assume this is just another martial arts film, you realise how different peoples film making techniques are.
Mid way through the film I have no idea what is going on, so I won't talk about any of the plot sorry! But anyway, from watching this film, I can feel that it has a very americanised vibe to it, and by that I mean it doesn't feel like your usual Chinese, martial arts sort of films. You have mostly rap sort of music, which is a no-no, especially in an ancient story setting. Also everyone speaks English so well, something I am not used to seeing, though not saying that's a bad thing, it gives the film a different feel to your usual sort of films.
Something about films filmed in partly more than one language is that sometimes they skip out some subs, but in this film, because I can some what understand Mandarin, I can understand what's not subbed which is a bonus for me bahahah:P
In terms of action, there's actually not as much as I assumed for a martial arts film, though when there is, the scenes are quick and very bloody. uuuuummmm........ won't spoil it too much. My rating is a bit mixed as I'm not quite sure how I feel. Definitely very different to your usual martial arts film. I'd have to give this a 6/10. It's worth a look anyway, as I'm sure some people might really like a different style. Well until next time, bye!
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