Friday, 29 August 2014

Pokkén Tournament & Pokemon @ McDonalds + Dragon Ball Z Movie (Pokemon News)

I'm sure people have heard of it already but a Pokemon fighting game called Pokkén Tournament was announced days ago >< I'm so excited because it's being created by Namco Bandai who created Tekken (Huge fan!!!), hence the 拳(Ken) from Tekken, Pok-Ken!!! haha!!! I'm so excited, and this is apparently more targeted at an older audience which is different, as Pokemon has been mostly targeted at a younger audience before now.

On another note, Pokemon toys are being released at McDonalds in NZ(possibly Australia too, not quite sure) but there are 8 different toys to collect, and each toy has a different card(12 to collect). The toys are based off the XY series. The toys all do the same thing, shoot and spin. Find out more by heading over to the McDonalds Happy Meal website! For a little not you don't need to buy a Happy Meal just to get the toy, you can just buy the toy so don't worry about getting so much food if you're just buying them for yourself!!!

Anyway that is all! I won't be going to the DBZ movie at Hoyts, so too bad, but if you're there tomorrow then don't miss it! Free poster provided too (Limited Stock Only!!)

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