Monday, 4 August 2014

Triad (Hong Kong Movie Review)

I bought the DVD on Thursday for $5 and decided to watched this movie yesterday.
Now what is this movie about. This movie, released in 2012 is a Hong Kong film(Directed by Daniel Chan) set in Hong Kong (In Cantonese with English sub, even though the cover said Mandarin lolz). It focuses on the main male character William (Played by William Chan), who is a college student who decided to join a gang. The film sets him up as the typical bookworm trope type. At the start we see him with his mum helping her sell oranges on a street and before we know it he gets up getting beat up by gang people and a huge fight breaks out as other people come to help him. He is later saved by the gang that he later joins in the film.

To be honest there is not much to the film so I was a bit disappointed(and I can't remember much so that doesn't help with this review as well). But really this film follows the story of the protagonist and carries on for a couple of years. As the movie progresses we see him and his friends progress into the gang, gaining higher ranks.

If you want to see a bit of fighting, blood, violence, gangs, the progression of a protagonist then this film just may be for you. Like I said before, there's not much to the film. Story-wise I'd say that there's only a few key moments in the movie. The beginning, middle and the end.  What I do like about the film is the use of cinematography. Really great visuals with the use of the hand held style etc.

Overall I'll have to give this movie a 3.5, I have to say that I've seen better films, especially other Hong Kong films.

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