Saturday, 23 August 2014

Dragon Ball Z Season 4 (MId Way Review)

Hello everybody, sorry for all the Dragon Ball Z blogs but I've been watching it pretty much everyday and made it past season 3. I have to say that there wasn't much to season 3, mostly just Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta  and Krillin battling Frieza for probably 20+ episodes, and that carried on from the previous season! Following on from the previous season, everyone was wished back to earth and now Vegeta and Yamcha lives with Bulma's family (how this happened I sort of forgot sorry lol), but a year or so passes since the previous season, and everyone is settling down. Goku still doesn't arrive back yet, until around mid way through (spoiler alert sorry). Frieza appears again but is fought off by a mysterious Saiyan named Trunks who later is found to be from the future and gives details on what will happen if Goku and the gang don't change it, so now everyone is training because within 3 years so Android people will come and basically destroy the place(like we haven't heard of that before right??)

Anyway, a little side plot I think is interesting... Gohan is forced to study by Chi-Chi and since he's so smart she decided to hire a tutor for him, who is really mean and nasty. This is probably the most interesting thing to happen in the series haha, so make sure you watch it if you haven't already.

I think what differs from this season to the others is that it's not just one big fight season like some of the previous seasons.  We get to see characters go on with their lives while training at the same time, which is interesting to see. Although the season half way doesn't have as much fighting, I think this is good as the fight sequences only last for a couple of episodes(I like it). Is this too much rambling for you?? Sorry about that!

Currently I'm watching Goku and Piccolo try and get their drivers license haha. What I never really thought about is the characters growing up. Gohan seemed like a wee young kid at season 1, and now he looks more mature, even though he's still a kid. Bulma changes her hairdo once again to an Afro?? I'm always wondering why she's always changing her hair style.

Also I know that the show tries to seem futuristic, while they still mention cassettes and VCR's etc and show people with the big box TV's lol, so if you're creating a futuristic TV show, make sure you leave out the tech, or at least make it seem more futuristic, with no now days tech in the background!

That's all really, goodnight!

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